My name is Rianne van de Ven (1971). I discovered that I am highly gifted at the age of 33. And with that discovery came the explanation for some of my lesser qualities, problems, and challenges I have experienced my whole life.
In today’s society a lot of assistance is available for gifted children and their parents. Professional support for adults who have discovered their high intelligence at a later age is not widely spread.
I started my own practice after having finished an education in professional coaching to offer my services in assisting gifted adults in their quest.
How do you deal with your high intelligence and sensitivity, what does it mean to you, and how can it help you? When does the side-effects bother you and how can you minimize those situations? What talents do you have and how can you excel ?
Examples of problems gifted adults can run into are:
- Issues with authority
- Maintaining (too) high standards
- Having difficulties in dealing with criticism
- Having troubles with knowing you’re right but not getting your point across
- Low self esteem
Dealing with your giftedness is a challenge in which most people can use help. Being a professional coach and a gifted adult myself, I provide this service.
Why a page in English?
I found out that the kind of service I provide is not available is every country. With a webcam and software like Zoom, I can have good coaching sessions with people no matter where they live.
If you are interested in my services, please download this intake form, fill it in and e-mail it to me, together with your CV. I will then contact you to make an appointment for a intake session of 30 minutes.
My practice is quite full, so I cannot guarantee an appointment on short term.
Coretalents analysis
One of the services I offer is a coretalents-analysis. This is an assessment tool that works really well with gifted adults: it can catch their complexity and intensity like no other assessment tool or test I have seen before.
I use the coretalents analysis mainly for career coaching. The coretalents-analysis report gives a wonderful overview of what makes you tick! It describes what gives you energy, but also what takes your energy away. For gifted adults that is a much better compass for the basis of career decisions that a competence-test. Gifted adults can become very good in competencies that do not give them energy…
The coretalents analysis is not a test on giftedness. It does not decide if you are gifted, it describes how you are gifted!
This service consists of two sessions. After filling in an online questionnaire, we have the first session to finalize the scores on the 23 different coretalents. Then I write the report that will be e-mailed. In the second session we discuss the report and what it means to you.
Price: 2.250 euros (excl VAT).
Book: Giftedness in practice. Strengthening personal leadership in gifted adults.

Many gifted adults were not recognized as being gifted as children simply because knowledge of giftedness did not exist or was unavailable. Many gifted people experience challenges in dealing with others and with themselves. How can they learn to acknowledge and develop their potential in a world that rarely understands them?
Giftedness is not always recognized or considered relevant in situations at work or in care. As a result, gifted people often fail to receive the support they need. How can professionals like career counselors, coaches, psychologists, therapists, labor experts, HR advisors, or supervisors help in this regard?
In this unique book, coach Rianne van de Ven, gifted herself, provides insights into and building blocks for successfully supporting gifted adults. What role does giftedness play? How can gifted adults change ingrained patterns and develop new essential skills? Valuable tools for professionals and gifted people themselves.
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Gifted Adults at Work
Below you find the recording of the presentation I gave at the 2022 Mensa Foundation Colloquium in Sparks, Nevada. Theme: “Giftedness across the lifespan. A more complete picture”. My contribution was about Gifted Adults at Work.